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Customer Journey Map for Telecom

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Customer Journey Map for Telecom

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Can you live without your phone or Internet connection? Or the correct question is how long? The modern world is all about staying tuned and being in touch. You can hardly meet anyone who never used a telecom service.

In our new template, we mapped a journey for a person who isn’t happy with their current provider and is searching for a new one. We listed their pains, goals, channels, and questions. We also figured out some ways to overcome possible problems.

In addition, we built an impact map for a telecom company that wants to increase the number of customers by a certain time period.

Both maps and all the personas (yes, there are several) are yours to tweak and customize. Be sure not to overlook the ideas and tips we listed in the templates before clearing the data to start your own project.

Today’s a good day to design a telecom journey, don’t you think so?

Try it 👉

#UXPressia_tmplt #customerexpereince #CX #telecom #expereincemapping #persona #experiencedesign #designthinking #customer

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You'll get not only a customer journey map template for a telecom user, but also an impact map азк your telecom business, and a full-fledged telecom person to build your own journey map around.

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